Friday, December 22, 2023

Silent Night, Wretched Night - A Wretched & Alone Game: Communications 8 and 9

(Read the previous communication here.)

COMMUNICATION 8 (25 Dice, 2 Sweets, 2 Aces, 1 King)

SANTA: Where is it? I was sure I had it when I left.

ATC: What are you looking for, Santa?

SANTA: My family photo. The one with me and Mrs. Claus in our Summer casual clothes.

ATC: Summer casual?

SANTA: The red sweaters instead of our winter overcoats. Sour Gumdrops! Dracula must have taken it when he attacked out of the fog. He must have thought if he couldn’t get me, he could at least steal something important to me. Ugh! That’s fitting. First, more thick fog rolled in. Now, a stolen picture. Could this night get any worse?

ATC: Hold on, Santa. I think someone’s at the door.  (Away from the microphone) Can I help you?

VOICE ON RADIO: (Distant) Peppermint, is Santa on the radio?

ATC: (Away from mic) Hey, Sparky.  Yes, do you need to speak with him?

SPARKY: If you don’t mind. Santa? Can you hear me?

SANTA: Hey, Sparky. Sorry, but I can’t chat long.  I have to pay extra attention on my flying because of the fog.

SPARKY: Fog? Just use the antler fans.

SANTA: Antler fans?

SPARKY: I’m sure I told you about them. Didn’t I?  I fit magic induced fans in the antlers of several of the reindeer: Comet, Vixen, Cupid, and Prancer, I think.  They’re powered by moonlight.  Little lunar panels collect the light and store it as power.  They should be strong enough to clear away the fog.  The switch is on the right side of your dash.  Give it a try.

SANTA: (Click of a button, followed by a soft purr)  Well, what do you know? The fog is starting to clear. That’s great, Sparky!

SPARKY:  I thought you would like ‘em.  The real reason I came by was to check on the new Santa Suit.  How is it working out?

SANTA: The steel stitching and Kevlar reinforcements really helped.  I’ve had a couple of scrapes with Dracula tonight and, I think without it, I would have been a goner.  His clawed fingers just bounced off, and once he tried to bite my neck but got the collar instead. The faux fur did a number on him.  Maybe even chipped a fang.

SPARKY: (Gleeful laugh) I hate that we had to test it tonight -- any attack is a bad one -- but I’m glad we know the upgrades have served their purpose.

ATC: Sorry to butt in, but I have something big on the radar.  It’s not Blood Sucker, but it is massive and heading your way.

SANTA: I think I hear squeaking. Oh my! It’s a swarm of bats. We’re heading right for it. Dasher! Dancer! Dive!

(Distant singing can be heard on the radio. It gets louder, indicating Santa is coming down for a landing.)

SANTA: Whew! We made it down.  We can’t fly while they're overhead. I guess we’ll just wait it out. Luckily, we landed near some carolers and can enjoy their music.

CAROLERS: (They begin singing, “Sleigh Ride.”)

Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing too
Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you

SANTA: Listen, Peppermint.  I think I inspired them.

ATC: (Shocked) Can they see you, Santa?

SANTA: Of course.  Don’t worry, they didn’t see me actually land.  Besides, they look like they’re on their way home from a long-lasting Christmas Party.  They won’t remember any of this in the morning.

CAROLERS: Outside the snow is falling
And friends are calling "You Hoo"
Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you

Giddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap Oh No!
Look at that bat grow!
He’s got a mouth of fangs as white as snow.

SANTA: Huh?  That’s not the words.

ATC: A blip just came on my screen!

CAROLERS: Giddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap Hey, Man!
Get away while you can!
Or you’ll be bit and soon you will be damned!

SANTA: The carolers are pointing behind me.  Oh, No! It’s Dracula. He’s snuck up behind me. Go Dasher! Go Dancer! Fly!

Roll Results: 5

Nine Hearts: What’s something Dracula recently took from you?

Nine Clubs: How will you deal with a thick fog?
Draw from the tower (Eliminated 2; 23 Remaining)

Ace Clubs: You have been given a new weapon. What is it?
Keep this card.  If it is your fourth Ace, you win.

Four Spades: A group of carolers warns you about Dracula.
Eat a sweet (One left)

Jack Clubs: You are grounded by a swarm of bats.
Draw from the tower. (Eliminated 4; 19 Remaining)


COMMUNICATION 9 (19 Dice, 1 Sweet, 3 Aces, 1 King)

SANTA: Reindeer down!  I repeat, reindeer down!

ATC: Acknowledged.  What’s going on?

SANTA: It’s Cupid.  He’s been severely wounded.  I have him on the sleigh, and we are in flight.  We need assistance immediately!

ATC: I’m dispatching a SEAL team to your location now.  Stay where you are if possible. We must not abort the night if possible.

SANTA: I hear you, Peppermint.  But the situation is bad. Cupid might not have time.

ATC: Our SEALs are top-notch.  You need to trust them.  What happened?

SANTA: It was a trap.  Dracula had filled a chimney with giant bats to distract me.  I couldn’t fit down, so I had to coax them out. Luckly, I’ve been taking that class on insect sounds and was able to convincingly imitate the call of the southeastern mosquito. The bats took the bait and flew out to investigate.  Having already taken too long at this location, I was preparing to descend when I heard the cry of an injured reindeer coming from the sleigh.

ATC: The sleigh wasn’t on the roof with you?

SANTA: No, the roof was full of gables and pitchy.  No place for the sleigh so I had to land in the yard.  I scrambled down to find Cupid on the ground, bleeding. One of Dracula’s werewolves was gnawing on his hind parts.

ATC: Couldn’t the other reindeer have fought back?

SANTA: They were too frozen with fear.

ATC: Oh, no! What did you do?

SANTA: I whacked the werewolf over the head with my sack several times to drive it away, then quickly pulled Cupid on the sleigh and took off.

ATC: The SEALs are in the air. How’s Cupid?

SANTA: Alive.  In pain.  Tell them to hurry.  Oh, Peppermint, what’s become of this night?  I remember when things were fun and easy.  Like my first Christmas journey. There were no obstacles and the children were eager and excited.  I remember tip-toeing into a few bedrooms whenever I heard the little girls and boys fidgeting around.  I would sit on the side of their bed, tell them a bedtime story, and say their prayers with them while they fell back asleep.  Nowadays, the children are afraid of strangers and I’m being chased by Dracula.  Any hopes of me talking some sense into the Lord of Darkness are gone now.

ATC: Talk sense?  What are you talking about? He is evil! He won’t change!

SANTA: Ah, you say that.  But I’ve done it before.  You know La Catrina?

ATC: The Elegant Skeletal Lady who is celebrated during the Mexican Día de los Muertos? The one who watches over the families’ dead ancestors?

SANTA: Yes.  You may not know this, but she wasn’t always revered.  She used to lure unsuspecting victims instead, taking them down into the underworld, adding to the dead instead of watching over them.  I received so many letters from the Mexican children asking me to bring home their parents for the holidays that I had to try something.  So, Mrs. Claus and I invited La Catrina over for dinner and sugar cookie. While we ate, Mrs. Clause and I shared with La Catrina about the rewards of bringing joy to people instead of fear.  Apparently, it worked, as she was touched and returned many people she had tricked back to their homes.  Those that she couldn’t, she vowed to protect and sent word to their living families that they were okay and doing well in the afterlife.*  We still get together every spring to have coff . . .

(A menacing laugh fills the air.)

SANTA: It’s Dracula!  He must be near.  This can’t be the end. I have to get out of  . . . Gingerbread! He just came out of nowhere. Half of him is in human form. The other half is bat.  The wings are adding extra speed!  Dasher! Dancer! Faster! Wait! Cupid!  What are you doing? You’re too weak to move . . . No! Don’t!  Peppermint!  Cupid just jumped!  He flew into Dracula, sending both of them plummeting to the earth.  Cupid gave us a chance to get away, but I’m afraid he might be lost!

ATC: Keep going, Santa!  I’ll advise the SEAL team so they are prepared.  If anyone can save Cupid, they can.

<* Author’s note: This history of Día de los Muertos is totally made up for the story prompt.  Please don’t leave comments bashing my mythological knowledge. 😉>

Roll: 6

Jack Diamonds: You come across a chimney filled with giant bats.
Draw from the tower. (Eliminated 4; 15 Remain)

Seven Spades: How does Dracula’s laugh affect you?
Draw from the tower (Eliminated 1; 14 Remain)

King Clubs: A werewolf attacks one of your reindeer.
Draw from the tower. Keep this card. If this is the final King, you lose. (Eliminated 5; 9 Remain)

Four Hearts: What is a memory from your first Christmas?

King Spades: Dracula suddenly appears out of the moonlight has a giant bat.
Draw from the tower. Keep this card. If this is the final King, you lose. (Eliminated 1; 8 Remain)

Six Hearts: How did you make a difference in someone’s life?

(Read the next communication here.)

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