Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Silent Night, Wretched Night - A Wretched & Alone Game: Communications 2 and 3

 (Read the previous communication here.)


SANTA: You’ll never guess what was left in my sleigh at the last stop. A gift!

ATC: Oh no!.  Did someone spot you?

SANTA: No. No. It’s from the Tooth Fairy.  There’s a bunch of us that hang out and watch each other’s back: myself, Toothy, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, Phil . . .

ATC: Phil?

SANTA: You know, that groundhog from Pennsylvania in the United States. Sometimes when one of us is on a job, we leave little gifts for them.  Toothy gave me a portable J-Cup coffee maker.

ATC: I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a J-Cup?

SANTA: J, like the shape of a candy cane.  All the coffee’s this machine brews are peppermint flavored.

ATC: Like my name.  How . . . appropriate.

SANTA: This will be great once I get over the Atlantic.  I could use something to keep me awake over that long, dull stretch.  But I have much to do before . . . Woah!  The reindeer just swerved hard left and begun to dive.  The presents! They’re tipping over the edge . . .

ATC:  Santa!  Santa!  What’s going on?

SANTA: . . .

ATC: JOLLY-ONE.  Are you there?  Oh, great!  Don’t tell me I lost Santa on my first night.  What do I do?  I need to call Sprinkles.

SANTA: (Radio crackles before clearing up) Peppermint. Are you there?

ATC: Santa!  I’m glad you’re back.  What happened?

SANTA: The reindeer got spooked.  I believe a cloud crossed the face of the moon and cast a bat-like shadow over us.  The team must’ve thought it was Blood Sucker. They’re great at dodging, but still unsure when it comes to distinguishing between a real and fake threats.  Regardless, I was able to catch the gifts and now we are back on track.

ATC: You have me scared there for a minute.  I thought . . . what’s that?  (distanced from the mic) Hello?  Who’s there? Hey!  What are you . . .  (Buzzing and static)

SANTA: Peppermint!  What’s going on? 

ATC:  (Static)

SANTA: Is it Dracula?  I’ve seen his posts on FairyBook warning that if I ever left the Pole he would come after my family and friends, but I never took them seriously.  I thought they were empty threats, meant only to scare me. Perhaps I was wrong. Still, he couldn’t find our workshop, could he?  The arctic is a big place.  Dasher!  Dancer!  Be prepared for a course change.  We might need to head home early.

<I just remembered that Silent Night, Wretched Night is a paid product and re-posting the actual game text may not be appreciated.  In lieu of that, I will still reveal my draws for solo mechanics purposes, but I will briefly paraphrase the results.  If you are interested in the actual prompts (which are much more detailed), please consider purchasing the full game.>

Roll Results: 3 Cards

Queen Clubs: A gift is left in the sleigh.
Eat a sweet (9 Left)

Seven Clubs: Something about the moon makes the Reindeer go out of control.
Draw from the tower (Eliminated 15: 85 remain)

Seven Hearts: Dracula has threatened your family in the past.
Draw from the tower (Eliminated 20: 65 remain)


COMMUNICATION 3 (65 Dice, 9 Sweets, 1 Ace)


SANTA: Peppermint! Thank the Holy Star that you are okay.  I was afraid Dracula found our HQ.

ATC: Nothing so sinister.  It was Tinkerblue’s twins: Cinnamon and Sugar.  They were sneaking around the control center playing hide and seek or something.  I accidentally knocked over my cocoa and the board went on the fritz. Luckily, Monkeywrench was switching out some lights next door. He came over and was able to fix it.  Everything’s fine now. What about you?

SANTA: Glad to hear everything is okay.  I was worried for a while, but knew that even if Dracula was there, the children are counting on me. Sometimes even Santa Claus has to make some hard decisions.

ATC: You should be heading over the mainland by now.

SANTA: Affirmative, but I think I see something I need to check out. I’m going to land.  I’ll be right back.

(Time passes)

SANTA: Peppermint!  Send me the next location now.  We need to get out of here!

ATC: Already sent, Santa.  What’s going on?

SANTA: It’s horrible, Peppermint!  Something innocent elf eyes should never have to see.

ATC: Well, we’re not that innocent. We do spike our cider.

SANTA: Oh, you foolish elf. It’s Dracula!  He’s been here.  I just spotted three bodies in the alleyway.  They were white, drained of all blood.

ATC: But . . . It’s Christmas!

SANTA: Indeed it is, Peppermint.  But jingle bells and mistletoe don’t stop evil. The evil lord has prepared himself with a nice, big meal.  He’s ready for the night, and I’m afraid he’s near.  Keep a lookout for anything unusual on the radar, and we’ll keep our eyes on the skies.


Roll Results: 1 card.

Three Spades: You find one of Dracula’s victims.
Draw from the tower (Eliminated 13 - 52 Left)

(Read the next communications here.)

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