Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thieves - A Roses & Wyght Story: Chapter 1 - Strangers

(Read the Catch-Up here.)

Chapter 1 - Strangers

System: Adventurers!
Tools: CRGE; Never Engine’s Random Tables;; other generators
(The above contains affiliate links.)


Before I get to the story I need to take a few moments to explain some things regarding the mechanics of this campaign.

For starters, I will be using GRAmel’s Adventurers! rule system for this game. This is the same rule system used for my first Roses & Wyght adventure. Since I have used this system before I will probably not spend much time explaining the rules, especially if a particular mechanic was already covered in the first story. I would suggest reading through that campaign if you wish to learn more about Adventurers!.

For my oracle, I will be using Conjecture Game’s CRGE GM emulator. CRGE uses a d100 roll on one three tables--Knowledge, Conflict, or Ending, whichever is most appropriate--to derive a Yes/No answer. The system also employs a surge count. The count starts at 0 and increases by 2 every time you roll a straight “yes” or “no” answer. The current surge count is either added or subtracted to your initial roll, increasing the likelihood of an “and” or “but” condition, and resets whenever such a clarifier occurs. Another possibility is that you can roll an “and unexpectedly” result. This adds a twist or event to the game. Since some of these events involve different story threads. To account for this I will be keeping track of the threads and listing them at the start of each scene.

Finally, for this campaign, I will be showcasing Never Engine’s line of random generators.  Never Engine offers a number of products covering such topics as encounters, treasures, dungeons, and missions. Whenever I need to generate something randomly, I will use one of these tables, providing an appropriate product exists.

Character Stats: 

Bhartram Rosemight  (Diligent Trap Maker)
Str:3  Agi:2  Mnd:3  At:3 Sword/2 Dagger  Def:2   End (Health):8  Her:3  ENC: 1

Leira Rosemight  (Charming Pickpocket)
Str:1  Agi:2  Mnd:5  At:2 Rapier/2 Dagger  Def:2   End:6  Her:2  ENC: 0

Harper Wyghtwing  (Confident Hunter)
Str:2  Agi:2  Mnd:3  At:2 Sword/2 Dagger/2 Bow  Def:2 Leather/4 Chain   End:7  Her:3  
ENC: 2 when wearing Chain

Tristan Cleves  (Curious Bard)
Str:1  Agi:3  Mnd:3  At:3 Dagger  Def:3   End:7  Her:2  ENC: 0

As usual, assume most of the names and anything marked with a [RG] to be randomly generated, if not specifically stated otherwise.

Now on to the story . . . 

[Scene 1: Surge count 0]

Main Thread: Leira’s Story

Minor Threads: Tristan’s Wedding; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King

She hurries toward the bar when a man seated at a table suddenly reaches out for her. 
“C’mere sweetness,” he says, grabbing her around the waist. “Gimme a hug.” He pulls her close as she loses her balance and falls into him. They both nudge the table hard, knocking over one of the mugs and spilling its contents. 

“Braffin! You mind your manners!” Leira scolds the copper-haired patron and slaps him on the shoulder. While this isn’t the first time Braffin has made a playful pass at her, Leria doesn’t protest too hard since she has previously taken advantage of his distractions to add some coin to her own pocket.

“Now look what you’ve done,” barks the other man sitting at the table. “Ale is everywhere.”

Quickly regaining her feet, Leria whips out a rag and starts sopping up the mess. As hoped, she notices 2 silver pieces laying on the table. “Here let me wipe that up,” she says reaching across the table. Meanwhile her other hand pulls a thin tan cloth with gold diamonds out of her pocket and deftly tosses it over the coins. As the Cloth of Hiding alights on the table, both it and coins disappear. Leira finishes wiping up the spill and steps back to show off her handiwork. 

“There you go, gentlemen. All cleaned up.”

At first, Braffin seems pleased, but then stops. “Hey! I had some coins on the table. What happened to ‘em?” He looks from side to side and on the floor before turning his attention to his drinking partner. “Gerey, you rotten thief! You took my money when I wasn’ lookin’!” He stands, fists balled.

“You’re drunk!” Gerey counters. “I didn’t take your money. You probably put it in your pouch. Look in there.”

While the two men are focus on each other, Leira brushes her hand across the edge of the table, retrieving the cloth and the coins underneath.

Leira rolled an AGI check to steal the coins. A result of 7 or more is a success.
(2d6) 10+2AGI=12 > 7 Success.

Does the patron look for his money? To Conflict:  87+0 surge: 87 Yes, and...accuses the person sitting with him of taking the money. 

Does a fight break out? To Conflict: 49+0 surge: No  (+2 surge)

“Tell you what. Let me buy you a drink,” Gerey offers. When Braffin hesitates he adds, “C’mon, it’ll probably cost me more than what you lost.” Braffin mentally questions his friend’s math but relents.  Leira takes the order and heads off toward the bar.

“Hattia, another round Braf and Gerey,” Leira calls out sliding the empty mugs across the polished bar.  The halfling grabs the empties and head off to the other end where the kegs are located.

“Does your boss know you’ve been collecting extra tips?”

Leira turns to see a scruffy, brown-haired man sitting on the barstool next to her. He speaks in low tones. [UNE for conversation mood (neutral): sociable]

Leira looks questioningly at the stranger, honestly oblivious to his meaning. “Extra tips?”

“Been watchin’ ya. You have light fingers. Neat trick how you made those coins disappear.” A knowing grin spreads across the man’s face.

Leira takes a closer look at the man and has a moment of recognition. Several weeks ago Leira was taken into custody over a little misunderstanding. She enjoyed the free samples offered at the bakery several streets over from her hostel. The owner, however, claimed she never hands out free samples and called the King’s Guard on her. While waiting to make her plea before the court Leira was locked up with a few other prisoners. One of them was this man. 

[Does Leira recognize the man? To Knowledge - 81+ 2 Surge= Yes and . .   Reset Surge) the “and” is that she knows he’s a thief having spoken to him in jail.]

“You’re that thief!” she accuses. “The one I met in jail. You were caught stealing a knight’s sword before a duel.” [RG]

“Ilhard Folcey,” he introduces himself, holding out his hand. Leira looks at it but does not make a move to accept the handshake. After an awkward moment he takes it back. 

“It takes a thief to recognize a good one,” Ilhard continues. “And you, my dear, are very good!”

“I’m no criminal!” Leira objects.

Ilhard scoffs. “So what, this is all for fun and you return the money at the end of the night?” 

Leira scowls as Hattia returns with the fresh mugs of ale. “I need to go serve this,” Leira says, them on her tray.

“Meet me outside when your shift is over. I have an offer for you.”

Leira eyes him suspiciously before heading back to the two men at the table. 

[Scene 2: Surge count 0]

Main Thread: Leira’s Story

Minor Threads: 
Tristan’s Wedding; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King

[Does Leira meet him? To Conflict: 75+0 surge: Yes (surge +2)]

“So what’s this about an offer?” the blonde barmaid asks. She and Ilhard are standing in the shadows several hundred feet away from the entrance to the Flagon. It is dark, yet early enough that there is still a fair amount of traffic on the streets.

“You’re wasting your talent here. I know. I got curious about you when the King pardoned you so easily.”

“And . . ?”

“And I learned that you were instrumental in saving the King’s life during the Sacrament of Fortitude celebration.”

“What does that have to do with my work at the tavern?”

“Nothing,” Ilhard admits.  “That’s the point. You were made for adventure. You’re stealthy, sneaky. You are just the person I and my friends are looking for.”

Leira chews her bottom lip as she thinks for a moment. Ilhard waits patiently.

“Go on.” Curiosity getting the best of Leira.

“We have a little guild that does jobs no one else is willing to do,” the thief explains. “Sometimes it’s the danger. Other times it’s . . . well, let’s say that sometimes there is a disagreement over the legality of what needs to be done.”

“You’re a Thieves Guild!” Leira says, cutting to the chase.

Ilhard winces. “Oh, we don’t like to use that term. It’s so . . . demeaning. We prefer to consider ourselves Skilled Item Procurement Specialists.”

Leira scowls at the man disbelievingly. Eventually, Ilhard breaks with a sigh.

“Yeah. We’re a Thieves Guild.”

“So, what’s this Thieves Guild have to offer me?”

“Action. Adventure. Wealth.”

“A trip to the dungeon,” Leria adds.

Ilhard smiles sheepishly. “Only if you get caught.” Leira doesn’t respond. “We are meeting in an hour. If you want to be considered for recruitment, be there. This offer only comes once.”

The thief tells her where the meeting will be held, tips his head in farewell, and heads off down the street leaving Leira standing watching after him.

[Scene 3: Surge count 2]

Main Thread: Tristan’s Wedding

Minor Threads:  Bhart’s Career; Leira and Thieves Guild; Conspiracy against the King

Is Harper at the Faint Mule Hostel? (To knowledge: 56+2 surge=58, Yes. (+2 Surge)

Leira bursts through the side door of the Faint Mule Hostel into the main dining area. She sees her brother Bhartram and their bard friend Tristan Cleves sitting across the table from each other. Tristan’s bandaged head hangs down and he looks distraught. Standing next to the table is the Rosemight’s friend Harper Wyghtwing, wearing his King’s Guard chainmail, the King’s Crest--a sparrow hawk against a black and red checkered pattern--displayed prominently across his chest. Bhart and Harper look up as Leira enters. Tristan doesn’t move.

“Leira, you won’t believe this,” Bhart exclaims. “Cherry doesn’t work at the Snowflake House.”

“Huh?” she asks, barely aware of what her brother just said.

“In fact, she’s not even a prostitute. She’s an actress!”

“Oh, that’s nice,” Leira responds with about as much interest as if someone just told her it looked like it was about to rain. She pauses only briefly when she sees Harper in his “work clothes.”

“Isn’t it late for you to be going on patrol?” she asks.

“Actually, I just finished,” the Guard explains. “I just haven’t made it to my room.”

“Oh,” Leira mutters, then speeds out into the living quarter, past a couple of other boarders engaged in a game of cards, and up the stairwell.

“What’s up with her?” Harper asks the others. 

Before Bhart can respond Tristan picks up with his tale as Naglen, the halfling innkeeper, enters the room carrying a pitcher of drinking water.

“Her name isn’t even Cherry. It’s Maegan!”

“So let me see if I understand,” Harper says, having only arrived in the middle of the conversation. “Cherry . . . I mean Maegan . . . never worked at a brothel and is in fact an actress. She was only pretending to be an escort because . . . “ He hesitates, hoping Tristan will fill in the missing information.

“Because that’s how we first met,” Tristan says. “She was having fun one night in a Tavern wher I was performing. She was just playing a role. We talked and struck up a friendship. She could tell I was interested in her imagined profession . . . from an intellectual point of view, of course, not as a client. I felt some sympathy for her, but if I’m being honest, it was also a bit exciting.”

“Why didn’t she tell you the truth?” Naglen asks, filling the mugs on the table.

“She thought I might be mad that she had lied. She truly liked me and wanted to stay friends. If that meant my thinking she earned a living sleeping with strangers, then so be it. I think she actually enjoyed playing the part and coming up with all sorts of bawdy tales.”

“How did you find out?” Harper asks. 

“You already know about my incident with Master Leeyduw’s dogs and that I had to pay for killing his prize hound … you know, the one that took a chunk out of my face.” He lifts his hand to feel his bandaged cheek. “I didn’t have that kind of money. So imagine how surprised I was when the constable came to release me and told me that a young girl fitting Cherry’s description paid the 30 gold I still owed.

“Last night I confronted her and she told me everything. She is actually a member of the Freedane family. They’re not officially Noble but they move in the same circles. The money was an advance on her dowry. Since we are engaged to be married, she begged her father for an advance.”

“Are you?” Naglen asks.


“Still engaged,” she clarifies.

“Oh, yeah. I guess.” The bard seems unsure. “If we call off the wedding I’m sure her parents would want the money back.”

“But that’s no reason to get married,” Bhart tells him.

“I know. I still like her, I just don’t know if I can trust her. And she still must truly love me, since I have nothing else to offer her beyond what her family can.”

“Either way, you only have a few days to decide. I don’t envy your situation,” Harper admits. “Well, I need to get upstairs and finish packing up my belongings.” Harper makes reference to the fact that he has decided to move into the King’s Guard Barracks located next to the castle and training grounds. The move will allow him to save more money since a bed and meals at the barracks costs significantly less than a room at the Faint Mule(In game terms, this increases his weekly salary by 3gp.) 

Harper leaves the room while Tristan and Bhart sit in silence. Naglen has taken a seat as well, resting from her chores.

“So what about you, Bhart?” the halfling asks after a minute or so, breaking the silence. “Any ideas on what you are going to do to earn a living?”

“Yes, actually. I’ve decided to go into business for myself.”

Tristan looks up suddenly as he and Naglen stare at Bhart’s surprise announcement.

“My time making traps for Vakmu taught me something, the trappers of Duskcall are using poor quality traps. The best traps in town may have come from my father and the trade visits he would make every few months. With him gone, it’s up to me to keep the family trade going. Tomorrow I hope to visit some of the farms located just outside the city and see if I can’t interest them in some fox traps.”

“Do you have a workshop?” Naglen asked.

“Not yet, which is something I wanted to talk to you about. I was hoping I might be able to use your shed out back to store my supplies.”

Before Naglen could answer, the door between the dining and living rooms swings open and Leira appears. She is dressed in her stunning, custom fit black leather armor and leather boots that come up to just below her knees. Her rapier hangs from her left hip while her sheathed dagger is attached to the right. 

Leira in Black Leather

“Where are you going . . . uh . . . all dressed up?” Bhart asks, stopping his sister right as she opens the door. 

“Uh . . .” She pauses a moment and turns to face him, thinking of a story. “Hattia needs me. The tavern’s muscle is unable to come in tonight. I told her I could keep watch for an extra gold.”

What is Bhart’s reaction (from The PC gives: an agreeable response

“Okay, just careful.”

“You were quick to let her go,” Tristan says to Bhart as the door closes behind Leira.

“She can take care of herself. You know that. Besides, it never gets that rowdy at the Faint Mule.”

(Read the next chapter here.)

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