Saturday, July 6, 2019

Roses & Wyght - Chapter 9

Read the previous chapter here.

Game System: Adventurers!
Tools: solo engine; UNE; My favorite Rumour Table; other random generators


After the last chapter Bhart, Leria, and Harper each have 6 experience points and it’s time to spend some of them. In Adventurers! you use your points to go shopping for stat and skill upgrades, additional skills, and other character adjustments. Below is what each character bought, with the cost in parenthesis after it.

Bhart: +1 AGI for a total of 1 (3 Points), Added Basic Rage Skill - [Adds +1 STR, +1 AGI, -1 MND, +2 END for STR rounds, lose 1 END when done] (3 points)

Leira: +1 STR for a total of 1 (3 points) now she can wear leather or hold a shield without being encumbered, +1 HER for a total of 2 (2 points), saves 1 EXP for later

Harper: Upgrade Ambidextrous to Advanced (4 points), +1 HER for a total of 2 (2 points)

Now to get some mechanics of this chapter out of the way ahead of time so as to minimize story disruptions. This chapter starts off with each of the PCs interviewing someone to gather information regarding the Huntsmen and their plans. Each interview was handled in the following manner.

First, I made a dice roll to determine if the interviewee had any information to offer. If they did, then I used the alea iactanda est Rumour Table’s reaction roll to determine the reliability of the source. The roll is intended to determine how friendly and truthful the NPC is, which in turn may modify the final “Truth” roll. However, since all the NPCs were basically forthcoming, I applied the roll to the source of the rumor. Next, I used UNE to determine the nature of the rumor, using the “demeanor” roll to offer general insight into the story instead of directly describing the mood of the source. Finally, if any of the stories are checked out, I will use the Truth portion of the Rumour Table to determine how truthful the rumor is.

One encounter roll will be made for each PC to determine if anything happens on the way to or from the meeting. Johnn Four’s City Encounters was used to generate encounter.

[Scene 1]

Back at the Faint Mule Hostel the group goes through their haul from the tunnels before making any additional plans. The first order of business is to settle up with Naglen for their room and board and the found bag of coins offered an opportunity to pay up front for the next several days with a generous tip. After taking the ten gold coins offered to her by Harper, Naglen examined them closely.

“Thanks,” she says, “But I can’t accept this.”

“Sure you can,” Harper insists. “I know it’s a little more than what our rooms cost, but you’ve been a gracious hostess and your help with our task is appreciated.”

“No, I don’t mean that. I can’t take this because these coins are counterfeit.” [When determining the contents of the drawers in Chapter 8 I rolled an event. Oppress/Joy. The interpretation was “found coins turn out to be fake”.] Knowing the source of the coins, Naglen obviously realizes the group isn’t intentionally trying to cheat her, so she lets it slide. 

The rest of the loot - -the daggers, the black cap, the gems, the patterned handkerchief-- was laid out on the table for further examination. After a brief discussion concerning what to do with all the Huntsmen dagger, Bhart turns his attention to the gems, only to find that a couple are missing.

“I see the garnet,” he says, “But where are the other two?”

“They were all together,” Leira insists. “I put them right here.” She puts her hand down on the table where she thinks she put the amber and quartz pieces. While she sees nothing, Leira quickly pulls her hand back when she feels two stones on the empty portion of the table. Slowly, she places her hand back and feels the bumps again. As the slides her hand slowly across the table, the tan and gold handkerchief comes appears out of nowhere, the missing gems underneath it. Testing a theory, she lays the cloth over the gems again and both disappear. Excited, the group suspects this is some type of cloth of hiding. Naglen theorizes that it is an assassin’s tool, which could be useful to either hide small weapons in plain sight or steal small objects by hiding them until they can be safely retrieved. Without giving anyone a chance to object, Leira pockets the cloth for herself.

The rest of the gold they divide up evenly, pay Naglen from the legitimate coins, and agree to trade in the gems for gold when they get a chance. As for what to do next, the group decides the best course of action is to talk to the people they know to see if they have overheard anything about the Huntsmen or their plans.

[Scene 2]

Leira is the first to leave the hostel, deciding to check in with her 12-year-old friend Rod at the Platinum Steed Stables. While it might be too soon for any news to spread, Leira felt it was necessary to seek out the stablehand early as his shift would end soon.  When the sandy-haired youth sees his friend he flashes a wide grin and blushes slightly, as is often the case when he is approached by the pretty blonde lady.  Unfortunately, Rod has heard nothing in the past day about the Huntsmen. In fact, he doesn’t even think they have been around the stables. [Failed a 30% chance to have any information.]

On her way back to the hostel, Leira passed through a bustling marketplace, filled with colorful wares and pleasing aromas. About midway through the market, Leira catches a whiff of apple in the air. Following her nose, she spots a pie stand,a portly elven man behind the tables talking with a human customer. Unbeknownst to the pie seller, another young man nears the rear of the stand, keeping an eye on the two in conversation. Leira, being a bit of rogue herself, knows a con when she sees one: distract the shopkeep while your partner makes off with the goods.

Any other day she might just walk on by, however, her encounter with the elven woman in the tunnels is fresh on her mind. What might be nothing more than a common theft, Leria views as harassment against an honest elf merchant, and she’s not about to let happen unchallenged.

“I’ve never tried any of this shop’s pies,” Leria loudly announces as she boldly approaches the small man about to pilfer a pie. “Are they any good?”

The elf turns at the voice to see the man stammer an unintelligible answer.

“You know,” Leira continues. “I hear that pies taste even better when you actually pay for them. And you,” she turns to the taller human. “You should be ashamed trying to cheat an honest merchant.”

“Hey, are you suggesting we’re thieves?” the taller man challenges.

“I’m not suggesting.”

The flashes Leira a wicked grin. “I’d be careful walking home, little lady. These streets can be dangerous.”

Leria casually draws her dagger from her belt and tests the edge with her thumb. “Try me.”

The two con men look at each other. “Let’s go,” the taller man tells the shorter and they walk off.

[Confrontation results from Intimidation check (MND). Leira has advantage due to Charisma skill. 11 v 8. Leira won.]

“Thank you,” the merchant says to Leira. “It’s hard running a business with these ruffians around.”

“I hear it’s hard running a business in Duskcall when you’re an elf.”

“That’s the truth, my friend,” the merchant agrees.  “Please, take a pie. A symbol of my gratitude.”

“No, I couldn’t take one. That would defeat the purpose of running those two off. But I will buy one.” Liera picks up an apple pie while handing the merchant one gold piece, much more than the pie is worth, and tells the elf to keep the change.

[Scene 3]

Later that night, after a filling meal and a slice of apple pie, Bhart heads out to the Cozy Fish Inn where the wannabe bard Tristan told them he could be found.  When he arrives, Tristan is finishing up a song on a small stage that is set up in the corner of the main bar room. Bhart takes a seat and waits for the red-haired musician to finish. Tristan spots his new friend and comes over to his table.

[Tristan succeeds on a 50/50 chance to have useful information.  UNE: Insane-Madness-Antagonist]

Bhart quickly fills Tristan in on the events in the tunnel earlier that day and asks if he has heard anything new about the Huntsmen. Tristan mentions that earlier that evening, between gigs, he was having a drink near the bar and overheard a couple of men talking. While he wasn’t certain they were Huntsmen, they did mention recent killings in Duskcall. One of the men wanted to get out of town to stay safe. The other threatened to avenge the deaths should he ever find the person responsible.

Are the men still in the Inn?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yesand… 

“Are the men still here?” Bhart asks.

Without a word, Tristan casts a glance in the direction of the bar and nods toward two men sitting on stools at the far end. One of the two men has dark skin and blond hair shaved on the left side. The other is short and grey, despite a youthful complexion. (and..) Bhart stands up, walks over and takes a seat next to the men at the bar. He orders an ale from the elf tending bar while trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Is Bhart close enough to hear the conversation?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes
UNE: Knowing-speech-parents (parents=superiors)

After a little bit, Bhart can make out that the tall shaved blonde is set on revenge and the shorter man is concerned for his own safety. 

“If I were you, I’d stick it out,” the taller man tells the shorter. “You know what Shylock says about the future of a deserter. In fact, you probably have more to fear from him than whoever it is who thinks they can beat us.”

“I don’t know. They got Gaither. If they got him maybe they’ll get Shylock, too.” [Is Shylock's name mentioned? (50/50 | 10[d10]Yesand…(Gaither is also mentioned)   +Event: (see below)]

“Careful what you say. You don’t want Shylock hearing you talk like that. He may not wait for you to desert.”

“This Shylock sounds like a rough character,” Bhart interrupts. “Maybe you should listen to your friend there,” he says to the grey-haired man nearest him.

UNE: Conversation Mood (Distrustful): Neutral

“Yes, he is,” Grey responds. “And maybe you’re right. Maybe I should listen to him.”

“Then again, I’ve had some experience with people who thought a bit highly of themselves.” Bhart thinks about Harper as he tries to draw the men into conversation. “Often, they speak a big story but have little to back it up with.”

“Not Shylock,” Grey explains. When he speaks, you better listen. If not, well . . . “ Turning to his shaved friend, he asks, “You remember that merchant we met on the road?” [The event from earlier was “Bestow / Nature  PC negative” Interpretation is that it is inadvertently revealed that these men were with Shylock in Swifthaven. The PC negative is Bhart’s reaction and the potential fallout.]

The dark-skinned man smacks his friend in the head. “Hush, you idiot.” Then to Bhart, “We were havin’ a private conversation. Take your mug elsewhere. You know, for your own safety.”

The reference isn’t lost on Bhart as he believes the two are speaking about his father. Could these men have been there during this attack? “No. Tell me more about this merchant. I’m interested to find out what happened to him.”

Does Tristan rescue Bhart?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes

“Hello, gentlemen,” Tristan says, pushing his way between the two parties. “While I have some time between performances I like to go about the room taking personal requests. Is there anything you fine men might like to hear. A lusty ditty, perhaps.”

“Begone, Bard!” the blond man commands. “We could care less about your ‘ditties’.”

As he turns to leave, Tristan looks Bhart directly in the eye and motions him to follow.

“I apologize,” Bhart says to the two men. “Perhaps I was a bit too nosy. I’m sure you know best and will figure out what your best course of action should be. I must be going.” He finishes his ale, puts the empty mug down and follows after Tristan.

When he is sure they are not being watched, Tristan chastises Bhart. “Are you a fool? They are trained killers. You don’t confront them!”

“They killed my father. Or at least they were there when Shylock beat him. I need to follow them. Maybe they can lead me to Shylock.”

Tristan considers the limp Bhart walked in with. “You are in no shape to follow them alone. Tell you what, I’ll do my best to follow and find out where they go. Tomorrow morning, I’ll let you know what I find. Where can I meet you?”

Bhart thinks about it for a moment and reluctantly gives in.  “Okay, but make it early.”

[No encounters for Bhart’s scene. Off-Camera I made a follow check for Tristan. I rolled a series of opposing AGI checks. If Tristan won 3 or more he was successful. Less and either he would lose the trail or be confronted by the men. Tristan won 3 and was successful.

There is no scene with Harper. He had Naglen vouch for him with her cousin Hattia, the bartender at the Wooden Frost Giant Flagon Tavern. However, on a 50/50 check she had no information and there was no encounter rolled.

After a night’s sleep, the characters regain END. Current END are Bhart: 5, Leira: 4, Harper 6. ]

[Scene 4]

Bhart gets up early hoping Tristan will arrive with information, however, by the time Liera and Harper awake the would-be bard has yet to show. 

“Do you think something might have happened to him?” Leira asks. 

“I have no idea,” Bhart answers. “He sounded like he could handle it, but he’s a singer, not an assassin.”

By the time they finish eating Tristan still has not arrived, causing Bhart to grow concerned that they will not have enough time to do anything to stop the assassination attempt, and, based on what he heard at the Cozy Fish, it sounded as though the plan was still on. “If we wait much longer it might be too late.”

Harper agrees. “But what do we do? Go to the King’s Guard? I’m not sure they will have time for us.”

“We do know where Shylock is this morning, however,” Bhart says, referring to the instructions they took off the Huntsman who was hit by the merchant’s cart. “We could go to the safe house and wait for him to emerge.”

“If Tristan was correct about the location of the safe house,” Leira interjects. 

“We could wait a bit longer for Tristan,” Harper suggests. “We have about six hours till the celebration. If he doesn’t show by then we go to the plaza and see if we can spot Shylock or stop the attempt ourselves.”

Naglen, in and out of earshot, as always, offers some advice. “If you want my opinion . . . and trust me, you do . . . you three have done about as much as you can. In fact, you’ve probably done more than you should have been able to do.  I think it’s time you went to the professionals. Talk to the Knight’s Guard. Maybe they don’t have the time or the interest in talking to you, but it’s worth a shot. Then, if that falls through, go to the Castle Plaza and do what you can.”

They all agree and head to the King’s Guard barracks and training grounds, which are conveniently located next to the castle (on the opposite side from the Duskcall Historical Society, the museum that led to the tunnels) and around the corner from the plaza.

Standing in front of the entrance to the training grounds are several Guardsmen. The group approaches a male [RG] guard with the highest rank markings to ask if they can see the Captain of the Guard. Before they can even get two words out the knight cuts them off. “Unless you have a decree from the King or Captain Fiststeel you have no business here. Turn and leave immediately.”

“But need to speak to the Captain right away,” Leira pleads.

“Decree!” the Knight demands, holding out his hand.

[To determine compliance for the PCs requests required a roll on my Reaction Table with disadvantage. I attempted to make a persuasion roll based on Leira’s MND and charisma bonus to improve the score, however, she critically failed.  The end result was multiple disadvantages that required me to roll 5 dice and pick the worst two.  Final score: 2 Terrible, Disaster.

“We don’t have time for this,” Bhart insists.

“Nor do I,” replies the Guard. “Derric, detain these three in the dungeon!”

“Okay, we’re going,” Harper complies before the Guard’s companion even draws his sword. “We’re sorry to bother you.” With that, he nudges the other two to move in the direction they came from.

Did Harper bring his bow?
(Likely | 9[d10]Yes

While the start of the ceremony is still several hours away, the group decides to check out the plaza as it is only a few short steps away. While the area is mostly empty, there are a few early arrivers who are claiming their spaces near the dais that has been erected about 100 feet outside the castle wall gates in order to get a good view of King Angelo during his speech.  Also present are several members of the King’s Guard watching the area and making routine security checks of the citizens near the stage. 

Do they witness anyone approach with a bow?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yesbut… (They can’t hear what the guard says.)

While they watch from the edge of the plaza, a gentleman dressed in clothes common to a hunter or trapper strolls through the plaza, a bow strapped across his back. He is quickly approached by one of the Guards. None of the trio can hear the conversation, but from some of the gestures and the fact that the hunter turns and leaves, they assume the guard does not want the man to bring his bow into the plaza.

“It appears that I might have some trouble with this,” Harper says, indicating his own bow. 

“Makes sense,” Leira says. “It’s harder to stop a flying arrow than someone charging the stage.”

“We still have time, let’s take this back to the hostel.”

While walking back to the hostel they meet up with Tristan coming in the opposite direction. He arrived at their home after they left, but Naglen told them where they were going so he left to search for them. He fills the three in on what he had learned. He successfully trailed the two huntsmen back to their safe house, which, incidentally, was not the location his friend Cherry told him about. (He was going to have a talk with that girl! Why would she lie to him?) Along the way, he was lucky enough to get close and overhear some of their conversation. [Abandon / Lies] Apparently, some of the King’s Guard are actually Huntsmen and will be ready to intervene if necessary. However, they hoped it wouldn’t come to that because it would expose the fact that they have inside men in the Guard.

While walking back to they meet up with Tristan?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes

Did the huntsmen split?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) Noand… (Tristan got close enough to hear them speak.)

Did they go to 1) safe house 2) private house or 3) inn?
1 = 1[d3]  Safe House

Check truthfulness of Cherry’s story from Chapter 6?  1st roll was a 3. Second roll: 3  Total 6=Mostly False (There is a safe house, but it’s not the one Cherry told Tristan about)

“Unfortunately the King’s Guard won’t talk to us,” Harper interjected. “I guess it’s up to us to keep an eye out and help stop whatever might happen.”

The group, along with Tristan, pick up their pace in order to drop off Harper’s bow and get back to the plaza in time for the King’s speech.

(Read the next chapter here.)

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