(Read previous week here.)
We’re down to the final eight. Let’s see, there’s Wayne, Eddie, Cedric, Leon, both Matts, Geraldo, and myself. All of us get along pretty well. We’re like a band of brothers. We’ve gone through transformations together. We’ve experienced the ups and downs of this whole process. We’re tight. Friends for life . . . Oh no, that doesn’t mean we’ll be fine if Nadre picks one of the other guys. Love is war! <I chuckle, exposing my words as feigned aggression.> Seriously, we each have our own relationship and any of us would be devastated to be let go.
This week we flew to Greece and were all invited to a dinner with the royal family . . . No, not all twenty-seven brothers and sisters. Just the King and Queen who traveled to the Mediterranean specifically for this event. Also, since we’ve had plenty of time to adjust to breathing underwater, that’s where the dinner was held: underwater. Have you ever tried to eat underwater? I guess not. It’s not easy. Food keeps wanting to float off the fork.
Having had a formal dinner with the Princess already, I had a leg up on the rest of the group. I think several of them made the same faux pas I did at that first dinner, drawing unapproving glances from the court. But that passed and the conversations began. King Olkin Benbani was happy to answer questions about Atlantis and engage in friendly chit-chat. Queen Fenae, however, was much more direct. It was clear that her concern was solely Atlantis and how this relationship with the surface will benefit them.
She asked each suitor what they have to offer Atlantis. Not what they had to offer her daughter, but Atlantis. Several explained how they would care for the Princess anyway and try to make her happy. Each time the Queen would respond, that’s nice, but how will you contribute to our city? Wayne is a geologist, so he offered his services to analyze the ocean bottom around the city. Geraldo, the architect, could help with new buildings or renovations once he studied their style. To be honest, the Queen didn’t seem very impressed and several times I noticed King Olkin place his hand on her arm . . . I assumed it was some unspoken signal for her to be patient or friendly.
When she got to me, I was honest. I told her I was interested in learning about her home and had the means to help tell their story to the world, but what I was most excited about was fulfilling Nadreall’s dream of traveling the surface world. I told her I could take her to see ancient ruins, national parks, big cities, small towns, even a trip on a plane, something the Princess couldn’t even conceive of before being on the show. Seems that was a bit too much for Queen Fanae. She said that certainly was not going to happen and accused me of being a bad influence for encouraging the Princess's wandering thoughts. She reminded me that Atlantis had withdrawn hundreds of years ago to escape the surface world’s corruption and the city has survived and thrived by keeping itself secret. The only reason she allowed Nadreall to do this show is to build positive public relations with the surface for the purpose of future trade. Atlantis’ has no intentions of integrating with surface society and she wasn’t going to allow me or anyone to make attempts at luring any Atlantean away from the city. You want to know something really crazy? She cited the surface “historian” Hans Christian Andersen and his account of the “Little Mermaid” as an example of the danger to anyone lusting after the surface world . . . I know. I tried to tell her but she just refused to listen.
That’s about when Nadreall had enough of it. She shot up . . . floated up? . . . from her seat and let her Mom have it. <Impersonating Nadreall, and rather poorly, I might add.> “Enough, Mother! I will not have you demonizing my friends like that. You might think it’s best for us to only be concerned about what the surface people can give us, but frankly, that’s selfish and self-centered. The surface is an amazing place and I think every Atlantean should see it.” The Queen started to speak, but Nadre cut her off. “I know. I’m your daughter and I will mind what I say. Well, you have twenty-seven other children who can mind you. You don’t need me!”
And with that, Nadreall stormed off.
The Queen was speechless. I was doing all I could to keep from laughing, though in the back of my mind I was concerned that she would put an end to the whole thing and I would never see Nadre again. King Olkin was doing his best to calm his wife but took the time to release us from the table. I glanced at Wayne, Eddie, and Matt R and motioned that we should try to find the Princess. I think Geraldo also tagged along . . . I don’t know. They were still at the table when we left. Either they were too in shock over what had just happened, or perhaps they’re rethinking everything. Who wants that for a mother-in-law?
We found Nadre sitting in a circle of coral, crying. We joined her and apologized for upsetting her parents. She assured us that the only person we upset was her mother -- she could tell her Father liked us -- and it was her who needed to apologize. Her mother is out of touch with the modern world, she explained. The Queen thinks separation keeps Atlantis safe, but that is exactly what’s destroying it. They are depleting their resources, which is why they needed to make contact with the surface in the first place. Their culture and advancements have stagnated compared to the rest of the world. In Nadreall’s opinion, her mother is being foolish. But, she is a princess and has responsibilities, even as the youngest and, as some might say, the least significant, and despite what Nadre said at the table, ultimately she will have to go home. She just hopes she can gradually change her mother’s mind.
The Rolls:
Draw: 1 Card
King of Hearts: While having a formal meal with the Heir’s parents, the Queen of Atlantis becomes openly critical of you and the influence you're having on the Heir. Who immediately leaves the table? Why? (What’s the Queen’s beef? Q.C. Break/Success Atlantis has had a successful record of keeping itself safe through a policy of separation. Concern that breaking that policy too much will cause Atlantis’ downfall.)
Do not discard this card. Set it to the side. If this is the final King drawn of all four Kings,
the Heir admits you were never a good choice and eliminates you from the remaining
contestants. The game is over.
Token Roll: 4
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
. . . That’s an understatement. This was a horrible week. First, we had that dinner with the Princess’ parents, and then this last photo shoot. I should have seen it coming . . .
Okay, let me go back a bit. There were two one-on-ones and a group date. Wayne and Leon got the one-on-one’s, which meant the rest of us were on the group date. We were taken to the set of a Greek television game show. It was a trivia-based competition and we were split into two teams. Matt R, Eddie, and myself on one. Matt P, Geraldo, and Cedric on the other. Nadreall took over for the host and quizzed us about the ocean and sea creatures. Turns out, I’m not that well versed on ocean trivia. I couldn’t tell the difference between a porpoise and a dolphin. I had no idea what Norfolk Canyon was. I couldn’t even name five types of coral . . . Yeah, our team lost and it was probably due to me. I missed the most questions of anyone. But, I’m not surprised. Besides being ocean illiterate, I was concerned about Nadreall. She seemed very distracted. She wasn’t her usual cheerful self. She lost her place with the cue cards several times. The next day we had a promotional photoshoot and I was hoping to discuss things with her.
The photo shoot was at the underwater ruins of Pavlopetri, a sunken city just off the southern tip of Greece. Before the shoot, however, we were all to meet the Princess at her cottage and be shuttled over together. When we arrived at the cottage, the crew was doing some last-minute cleaning and carrying out some trash. That’s when things started going downhill. Poking out the top of a trash bag I saw the corner of Issue #1 of Golems. Before the show, we were asked to send the Princess a gift that would give her some insight into who we are. Naturally, I sent her a copy of the first issue of my brother’s and my comic. Now I’m watching that gift be thrown away. I didn’t know what to think. Was this an accident? Are her feelings for me not as strong as I thought? Either way, I felt it was rather inconsiderate to just throw away my gift.
We finally get to go inside and, since we’d been waiting for a while, I needed to use the restroom. I was peeking around looking for the room when I walked past Nadre’s bedroom. I could see a picture of Wayne sitting on the dresser and at first, I thought that was cute. She must have had all our pictures. But quickly I realized that I didn’t see any others. I stepped inside the room just in case they were out of view, but nope. Just Wayne. Has she already made her decision? Should I just go home? What’s the point? Right then I made up my mind to ask her about it later.
Pavlopetri itself was amazing. Mostly it was just the stones and blocks in the sand, but there were some structures that were partially still intact, a few walls here and there. Throughout the shoot, I could tell something was up with Nadre. She was subdued, like at the game show. Still not her usual outgoing self. This day was turning into a real mystery and I was going to get to the bottom of it.
After the shoot, I had some time to pull Nadreall aside and ask her what was going on. She tried to brush it off but I wasn’t letting her off the hook. Finally, she admitted that the dinner with her parents earlier in the week brought her some clarity. As much as she would like to live her own life, she is a member of the Royal Family and, as such, has certain responsibilities. Yes, the original plan was just as her mother said, to use the show as a means to build bridges with the surface world. If Nadre could actually find a mate that could benefit Atlantis, that would be a plus. It wasn’t until she actually explored our world for herself and learned about each of the guys that Nadre grew more and more enthralled by our world. Ultimately, however, her life was back in Atlantis.
Needless to say, I was hurt by what she said and a bit angry that she would abandon her dreams. I asked about my comic and Wayne’s picture. She explained that of all the men, the Queen actually liked Wayne, or at least his geological knowledge. So, when her parents came to visit her in her cottage, Nadreall put out Wayne’s picture to appease her mother. She claimed that she hadn’t made up her mind yet, but was tired of defending us to her mother and thought the Queen would fuss less if she believed Nadre was primarily interested in Wayne. Nadre meant to remove the picture before we arrived, but it slipped her mind.
The comic, however, was intentional. Regardless of how she felt, Nadre knew that she couldn’t choose me. Her parents -- sorry -- her mother wouldn’t approve and I wouldn’t be happy not being able to travel the world with her. She had to start distancing herself from me and getting rid of anything that reminded her of me was the first step. That is when things really went south, as if they hadn’t already.
I lost my cool. I criticized her mother, calling her selfish, old-fashioned . . . cruel, I think. I suggested that she was keeping the Princess prisoner. Then I lashed out at Nadreall, calling her weak. How could she let her mother destroy her dreams and ruin her life? I suggested Nadre was choosing to waste her life and even said, “I guess you really had me fooled. I believed you were a strong woman who was going to follow her own path. Not your mother’s.”
Well, there are a couple things. First of all, regardless of what Queen Ferea might say or do, she is Nadreall’s mother and the one thing you don’t do is criticize someone’s mother to their face. But more importantly, you don’t criticize someone directly to their own face, especially if you are hoping to have a relationship with that person. The Princess simply cut me off and told me it was time for me to leave. As she escorted me to the limo-sub I could see some of the other guys staring at us. I was loud and I’m sure they heard a lot of the argument. Before we parted, Nadre and I did have a quick hug, though it was cold and more of a formality.
Crazy thing is, I’m still in love with her. Those feelings just don’t go away. I’m going to miss her and I really hope she gets to see more of the surface world someday.
Exit Interview in the Limo-Sub:
Well BEEP. I really BEEPed that up, didn’t I? I guess that's what I get for being loyal. I stood up for her. I made sure to honor her wishes and dreams. What did it get me? A sub ride home.
I’ve always let my fears keep me from getting close to someone. What if I do or say the wrong thing? What if they think I’m too nerdy? They’re so attractive, why would they want to be with someone like me. Finally, I was able to break through and make some real connections with Nadre. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but this was the closest relationship that I’ve ever had with someone . . . romantically, I mean. <eyes begin to water> I should have kept my mouth shut and went with the flow. I knew what I was getting into, right? She’s a Princess. Why did I think that she would leave that all behind? I’m so stupid!
Not only did I lose the girl, but I’m going to miss out on Atlantis and all those experiences could have meant for the comic. Yes, I know that must sound selfish, but I don’t care. I’m just so . . . I just have all kinds of emotions right now. I’m not thinking straight. I’m just ready to go home.
. . . So where do I go from here? I’m not sure. <I look at my hands and arms, then look toward the front of the sub> Hey, do any of you guys know where I can get my old skin back?
The Show:
In preparation for Darin’s exit, this episode was edited in a way that focused on his most negative interactions. The game show segment focused mainly on Darin and his horribly wrong answers. Some confessional excerpts that were used included, “I missed the most questions . . . I’m not that well versed on ocean trivia . . . our team lost . . . due to me.”
None of the time at Nadreall’s cottage was aired, so viewers never saw the discarded comic or the picture of Wayne. Additionally, any reference to those items in Darin’s conversation with Nadre or his confessional was left out of the show, so viewers did not have any of this context as they watched Darin lose his cool with the princess. Nadreall’s decision to stay in Atlantis was mentioned but glossed over. Darin’s critique of the Queen was edited to sound like they were actually critiques of the Princess. Primarily, the most insulting of Darin’s comments were shown. “You had me fooled . . . I thought you were a strong woman . . . you’re weak . . . selfish . . . cruel.” And from the confessional: “The Princess cut me off . . . and escorted me to the limo-sub . . . How could she . . . Nadre . . . was cold.” Nothing about Darin still being in love with the Princess.
And from the limo-sub ride: “Well BEEP . . . I guess that's what I get for being loyal . . . I’m embarrassed to . . . think that she would leave that all behind . . . I’m going to miss out on Atlantis and all those experiences could have meant for the comic . . . I should have kept my mouth shut . . . I’m so stupid! . . .do any of you guys know where I can get my old skin back?”
The Rolls:
Draw: 4 Cards
Three of Clubs: Contestants were split into teams and pitted against each other with trivia questions about the ocean and sea creatures. The Heir provided the questions. Your team scored the worst. Whose fault was it? Roll for balloons. 5 (Use A of diamonds to ignore roll) 10 balloons remaining.
Five of Hearts: The Heir goes with you to a photo shoot for the show. Later, you notice they have a photo with another contestant displayed in their room. How do you react? Roll for balloons 4 Six Balloons remaining.
Nine of Hearts: When the show began, you were allowed to send one gift to the Heir to share something about yourself. You discovered it today in the garbage. How did you react? Roll for balloons. 5 One balloon remaining.
King of Clubs: This episode casts you as the villain. No matter what you did, it was portrayed poorly and the audience responded in kind. Roll twice for balloons. 4 3 Do not discard this card. Set it aside. If this is the final King drawn of the four Kings, the Network has stepped in to remove you as a contestant. The game is over. Doesn’t matter. My balloon roles have ended the game for me.
Gen. 1:9-10; Col. 1: 15-16 (What's this?)