( Read the previous chapter here.)
System: Adventurers!
Tools: CRGE; d30 Sandbox Companion; rpgsolo.com
(The above contains affiliate links.)
Setup: By the time of the wedding Bhart and Leira would have had a discussion about her scar. Without narrating the entire conversation I will just make a couple of rolls to determine how that conversation went and fill in the details if needed later.
First, a roll on my reaction table to see how well Bhart responds. 3-Poor, worse than expected
Leira and Bhart will make opposing MND rolls to see if Leira can tell Bhart a story that will satisfy his curiosity. While she has advantage due to the “Charisma” skill, her roll will also be modified by (-2) for the “Poor” reaction roll.
L: 1,2,2 = 4-2+5MND = 7 B: 5,3+3MND = 11 Bhart is not convinced. The effects of this will be revealed over the following scenes.
[Scene 1, Surge count 0]
Main Thread: Tristan’s Wedding
Minor Threads: Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
Were the Freedane’s able to secure the main sanctuary? (To Knowledge) 92 Yes, but . . the High Priest is unavailable for the ceremony.
Ambra Freedane was not mistaken when she told her daughter that her and Whilbur had connections and money. With less than 48 hours till the ceremony, the influential couple was not only able to make arrangements to hold the wedding at the Cathedral of the Creator, located across the plaza from the King’s Castle but were also able to secure the use of the main sanctuary. Additionally, at the last minute, they found a cook who could cater the reception that was being held in one of the Cathedral’s banquet halls. For decorations, they rounded up several friends and acquaintances (who were encouraged with invitations to the service and the feast afterward). About the only part of Ambra’s plans that fell short was to have the High Priest preside over the nuptials, as he was unavailable. Instead, they had to settle for one of the lesser clerics.
Cathedral of the Creator
Also, because of the last minute arrangements, the wedding party was not able to do a run through the previous evening, as is tradition. Instead, everyone had to arrive the morning of the wedding, roughly four hours before the ceremony, to go over the details. By now most of the party has arrived: Maegan’s parents and siblings; Tristan and one of his groomsmen; Bhart, his best man, Leira, a bridesmaid; and Harper, who just came to watch. They are just waiting for the last few stragglers to arrive before beginning.
Off in a corner, Harper and Leira take the opportunity to catch up. They have not seen each other since Harper moved out of the hostel and into the guard’s barracks.
“That’s a nasty cut,” Harper says, running his finger gently down the red gash healing on Leira’s right cheek. “Did it happen at the Flagon?”
“A couple of nights ago things got rough,” she lies. “Some guys drank a bit too much. Heated words were spoken. Before you knew it a bottle was broken, swings were taken and I was a bit too close.” She offers a “whatcha gonna do” smile.
“Bhart seems pretty upset about it. Said it’s all because you agreed to be the tavern guard?”
Leira regrets having made up that story but now if forced to keep up the ruse. “Yeah. I filled in for Hames a couple of nights, you know, having some experience saving the King and all.” She flashes Harper a conspiratorial smile. “But the scar had nothing to do with that. I was just serving tables. But Bhart didn’t want to hear it. He wants me to leave the Wooden Flagon all together and find something ‘less dangerous’.”
“Well, he is your brother and I have to admit, seeing this, I am a bit concerned, myself.” Seeing disappointment cross Leira’s face he quickly adds, “But I’m sure you know what you are doing and will make a wise choice. I can even give you some fighting tips in case you plan on filling in for Hames again.”
“I would like that.” Leira smiles at the offer. “In fact, the sooner the better.”
Just then they are interrupted by a concerned Tristan.
“Have either of you seen Maegan?”
“I saw her parents,” Leira answers. “Didn’t she come with them?”
“No. [Per oracle] They came early to make sure all the set up was going well. Maegan was coming later with her brothers and sisters.”
“But they’re here already,” Harper says. “Have you asked them?”
“I did talk to her sister but all she could tell me was she was delayed and should be here soon.”
[Do the siblings know anything? To knowledge: 88+2 surge=90 Yes, but . . . they are hesitant to say anything. reset surge]
Harper isn’t convinced. “Let’s talk to her again.”
The three call Bhart over and then go to find Maegan’s sister. They spot Holly and Maegan’s younger brother Devyn sitting in a pew.
“Hello, Holly,” Leira speaks first, thinking the teenage girl might be more comfortable speaking with her instead of the men. “We are trying to find your sister. Do you know where she might be?”
Holly looks around for Maegan before answering. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”
“Why didn’t she come with you?”
“She . . . she had to take care of something.”
“What?” Tristan asked impatiently. “She’s supposed to be here. Everyone’s waiting.”
Holly remains silent and is obviously avoiding eye contact with Tristan.
“She stopped to talk with her other boyfriend while we were coming here,” Devyn finally said, drawing an elbow to the ribs from his sister.
“Other boyfriend?” Tristan questions, now even more concerned.
“Yeah, some guy named Laramie,” Devyn responds, casting Holly a warning look before she elbows him a second time.
“It’s not like that!” Holly quickly interrupts seeing the pain on Tristan’s face. “He was just someone she used to hang around. He took the relationship more seriously than Maegan did, but my sister made sure to end it a long time ago, before you and she got engaged. He kept coming around, though, and Maegan kept telling him she wasn’t interested.
“He must have seen us walking to the cathedral today because he ran up begging to talk to Maegan. She was annoyed but told us to go on while she took care of him. That’s the last we saw of her.”
Something about the story triggered a memory in Harper. “You said his name was Laramie?” he asked Devyn. “What did he look like?”
“A little pudgy. Curly brown hair, about down to here.” Devyn raises his hand to a point just below his shoulders. [RG-d30 Sandbox]
“I know that guy,” Bhart cuts in. “A week or so ago he wanted me to steal a love potion for him to use on an old girlfriend.”
“Several weeks ago I met Laramie at the Brewed Awakening,” Harper says. “He wanted me to help him get back together with his ex-girlfriend as well. But that girlfriend got married weeks ago.”
“No! No!” Bhart corrected. “That was Maegan. She was just playing another role, like she did with Tristan. That’s how she was trying to get rid of him, by telling him she was getting married.”
“Do you think something may have happened to her?” Leira asks.
“I don’t know,” Bhart admits, “But let’s go find out. Tristan, you stay here. Harper, Leira and I will try to find her.”
[Do the siblings know where Laramie lives or works? To Knowledge (Unlikely) 88+0 surge=88 Yes but or 16+0 surge=16 No and The worst of the two is No and. Surge stays at 0]
Neither of Maegan’s siblings knew anything more about Laramie. A quick check with the eldest brother reveals that he knows even less [the “and”] All Harper, Bhart, Leira have to go on is the last place Holly and Devyn had seen their sister. Since they are close to the barracks, Harper decides to quickly grab his weapons and vest with the king’s crest, just in case he needs to act in official Guard capacity. Then he will check out the scene where Maegan was left. Meanwhile, Leira and Bhart will check out some of the taverns to see if anyone knows Laramie and where he might be found.
[Scene 2 - Surge Count: 0]
Main Thread: Missing Maegan
Minor Threads: Tristan’s Wedding; Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
[For Leira and Bhart I’ll make one investigation check each. First I will roll a MND check. Success means they will be able to convince someone to talk assuming there is anyone who knows something. Then I will make an oracle roll to see if there is any info to be had. If there is, the following table will be used. 1-home 2-business 3-both (different locations) 4-both (same location) 5-the entire plan 6-roll again.
Per rolls, both Leira and Bhart are not only able to find out useful information, they both spoke with people who knew the entire plan. Apparently, Laramie likes to talk.
For Harper, I did a MND check to see if he is able to spot any clues (Success) and then an Oracle roll to determine if there were actually any clues to be found. (Yes, there were.)]
About three-quarters of an hour later Bhart and Leira meet up with Harper who is examining something he found along the side of the cobblestone street.
“I’ve found some flower petals that look similar to what is being used in the wedding,” he tells the Rosemights when they were within earshot. “Didn’t Holly have her bouquet with her this morning?”
“I believe she did,” Leira confirms. “Maybe Maegan was bringing her’s as well and some petals fell off in the struggle.”
Harper looks up sharply, “Struggle?”
Leira and Bhart ran into each other several minutes earlier and compared stories. Now they told Harper what they learned.
Laramie is indeed the man who solicited Harper and Bhart in the past and Maegen is his ex-girlfriend who supposedly was getting married. By now the jilted lover was aware that the whole marriage story was a ruse just to get him to leave her alone. Laramie was angry, hurt, confused, but not dissuaded. He still, for some reason, believed that he could win Maegan’s heart. Over the past couple of days news of her marriage to Tristan spread rapidly, mainly due to Ambra’s announcement of the event and the rush to get the preparations completed. Laramie caught wind of this and felt desperate. The best plan he could come up with was to kidnap Maegan, keep her from going through with the wedding, and try to convince her to marry him instead. Not a great plan, to be sure, but to be expected from the same person who asked Harper to do something very similar and asked Bhart to get him a potion so he could drug his ex-girlfriend.
“And you each heard this from two different people?” Harper asked incredulously.
“Apparently he likes to talk when he’s had a bit to drink,” Leira confirms.
“And you and I were practically strangers when he approached us,” Bhart reminds him.
“That’s true. Did they have any idea where he might have taken her?”
[1. home 2. shop 3 both are the same place. d3=2 shop
What is his profession per d30 sandbox = 13 tradesman 18 leather craftsman]
“He is a leather craftsman and runs his own shop. They suggested he would take her there since it was more private than his home,” Bhart explains and gives Harper the name of the shop. They know where it is and head in that direction.
Harper keeps scanning the streets for any more petals or other items Maegan may have dropped accidentally or on purpose to leave a trail, however, he sees nothing. [Per oracle] After several minutes they arrive at the leather shop. Not knowing Laramie’s plans, they look for a way behind the row of shops to see if there are windows or entrances in the back. [Is there an alley directly adjacent to the shop? To Conflict=66+8 surge=74 Yes +2 surge Do they see them through a window in the 1) alley or 2) rear? d2=2 rear] Luckily, an alleyway runs along one side of the shop. The trio duck in. While there are a couple of windows that open out to the ally nothing can be seen within. There are few more windows in the back of the shop and it is through one of these that they spot both Laramie and Maegan.
They appear to be in a storeroom with crates and piles of leather. Maegan is seated in a wooden chair, her arms bound behind her and her legs bound to the chair with leather straps. Fitted in her mouth is a cloth gag. Both Harper and Bhart recognize Laramie who paces back and forth in front of his prisoner. Every now and then he stops to say something to her. The party can’t hear the words, but his body language seems like he is begging with Maegan.
They back away and discuss their options. While Harper didn’t see an obvious weapon in the room, he has reason to believe Lamarmie might have one or be able to grab one easily, even if it’s just a leather working tool. There is no way to get in the window fast enough. With no way in other than the windows, Bhart checks to see if they can be opened. Unfortunately, none budged, either locked or permanently sealed. [Per oracle, no door and windows sealed.]
Harper comes up with a plan. Considering the situation, he falls back on his authority as a King’s Guard and declares this an unknown and dangerous circumstance, warranting quick action and, if necessary, the use of deadly force. He hands Bhart his sword and instructs him to go to the front of the store and try to get in the door. Meanwhile, he and Leira will prepare to shoot Laramie though the window with Harper’s bow. Whether he actually shoots or just threatens will depend on whether or not Bhart can gain entrance to the store. Should they have a need to defend themselves, Harper and Leira are armed with daggers.
“Grab that rock,” Harper instructs Leira as Bhart disappears around the corner of the building. “Get ready to smash the window as soon as you see Bhart enter the room.”
“What if he can’t get in?”
“Then I’ll tell you when.” Harper nocks an arrow, draws the bow back halfway, and waits.
[Scene 3 - Surge Count: 8]
Main Thread: Missing Maegan
Minor Threads: Tristan’s Wedding; Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
[Is the door locked? To conflict - Likely (as Laramie his holding someone captive) 31+8 surge=39 No 48+8surge=56 Yes Going with Yes +2 surge
Bhart knows nothing about picking locks, however, since he is familiar with working mechanisms from his trap making I’ll only make it a “difficult (-2)” chance to jimmy the lock instead of “very difficult (-4)”]
Bhart reaches the front door but finds it locked. He examines the lock. While he is not a skilled lockpick, he has built some intricate mechanisms on rat and bird traps. The lock seems old and the handle is rather loose. Bhart pulls out his dagger, wedges it between the frame and door near the lock, and tries to force the bolt. [4,4+2AGI - 2= 8 success] As he suspected, the locking mechanism was weak and gave with little trouble.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
Bhart looks up to see a middle-aged [d6 even=female odd=male 2] woman scowling at him, and coming up behind her a [d6 4] female member of the King’s Guard.
[Scene 4 - Surge Count: 10]
Main Thread: Missing Maegan
Minor Threads: Tristan’s Wedding; Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
[If Bhart doesn’t appear in 5 minutes, Harper will take action. How many minutes till Bhart makes it to the storeroom? d6+2=4+2=6
Laramie: S:0 A:-1 M:0 END: 3
Perception Check for Laramie to see if he notices Harper out the window. It will be a “Very Difficult -4” challenge as he is focused on Maegan. 1,2-4=-1]
While he waits, Harper stands with bow ready but just to the side of the window to lessen the chances of being seen. Leira stands across from him on the other side, just barely peeking beyond the frame. All their caution, however, is probably unnecessary as all of Laramie’s focus is on his captive who is staring daggers at him. Every now and then she will shake her head vigorously at whatever he is saying.
“What is taking Bhart so long?” Leira whispers.
“He must be having trouble with the door,” Harper says. “We can’t wait any longer. Give me a moment to aim [adds +1 to ATK], then smash the window. Ready?”
Leira nods.
Harper steps back from the window and draws the string all the way back. He aims low, looking to hit Laramie in the thigh. Leira arcs her arm up and lets the rock fly through the glass. [5,4 + 1 STR + 2 Easy = 12 Success] Startled, Laramie turns toward the window and stops dead in his tracks. [fails surprise roll and gets -2 to DEF] Harper make a quick adjustment and releases the arrow which strikes its target just above the kneecap. [Harper wins attack 9 to 6. Laramie is at 1 END]
“King’s Guard! Stop where you are!” Harper calls out, quickly nocking another arrow.
Laramie screams in pain and throws up his hands in surrender. “Don’t shoot,” he cries, tears beginning to stream down his face. “I’m sorry. Don’t shoot!” [Laramie fails his morale roll by 51%, which is a surrender]
[Scene 5 - Surge Count: 10]
Main Thread: Missing Maegan
Minor Threads: Tristan’s Wedding; Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
“You need to trust me. I’m a friend of Harp Wyghtwing, a member of the King’s Guard,” Bhart pleads desperately with the Guardswoman who is about to arrest him for attempted burglary. “The owner of this shop has kidnapped a woman and I need to get in there and stop him.”
The Guardswoman is assessing Bhart with a flat, unbelieving stare when a man’s scream is heard from within the shop. Bhart wastes no time rushing into the shop, the Guardswoman close behind. They speed across the main room and through the doorway that leads to the storeroom where Laramie and Maegan are. Upon entering Bhart sees Laramie with his hands up, slowly sinking to the floor in pain due to the arrow protruding from his leg. He raises the point of his sword toward the wounded man to keep him at bay. The shocked Guardswoman stands in the doorway, her eyes shifting from Bhart and Laramie to the bound and gagged woman in the chair. “What in the name of the Creator is going on here!”
Harper identifies himself through the window before he and Leira round the shop and enter through the front door. By the time they arrive, Maegan has been cut free. Harper explains the situation to the Guardswoman and, holding the higher rank, gives her instructions. Leaving the Rosemight’s to escort Maegan back to the cathedral, Harper goes with his fellow soldier to transport the prisoner to the castle dungeon, assuring the others he will not miss the ceremony.
[Scene 6 - Surge Count: 10]
Main Thread: Tristan’s Wedding
Minor Threads: Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
The wedding was magnificent, employing all the pomp and circumstance one would expect from a ceremony of the noble class. Maegan was mesmerizing, dressed in her mother’s flowing white wedding gown. Tristan stood amazed, blushing at the beauty of his bride. The ceremony was officiated by one of the church’s clerics and both Leira and Bhart were members of the wedding party. Tristan wanted to add Harper at the last minute as thanks for his part in saving Maegan, however, tradition required an even number of groomsmen to bridesmaids. Harper was appreciative but just as content to stand back and observe.
After the official ceremony, everyone moved to one of the dining halls for the reception, which featured a string quartet, dancing, and a spread full of the finest culinary delicacies that might be found in all of Arigord.
As the afternoon shifts to evening, the newly married couple find themselves gathering together with their friends the Rosemights, Harper, and Naglen Clayhanger.
“A nice ceremony,” Harper says.
“And you make a beautiful bride,” Leira compliments Maegan.
Maegan expresses her thanks to Leira as Tristan asks if they all had a good time.
“If nothing else, the food is excellent,” Bhart says before sucking the last bits of meat off a chicken bone.
The happy couple nod, then look at each other wistfully.
“Is something the matter,” Leria asks. “You both look like . . . I don’t know. Like there’s something you want but aren’t getting.”
“This is all great,” Tristan begins. “And really appreciated everything Maegan’s parents have done, but . . . “
“But it’s a bit stuffy,” Maegan interrupts. “My parents don’t know how to have a good time. This is my wedding night. I want to cut loose.”
“Well, you know,” Naglen says, “We did reserve the Wooden Frost Giant Flagon for tonight.”
The six of them look from one to another before fully comprehending the meaning of the halfling’s words, at which point they all smile in silent agreement.
[Scene 7 - Surge Count: 10]
Main Thread: Tristan’s Wedding
Minor Threads: Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
The hour is late and the Wooden Frost Giant Flagon Tavern is filled to capacity plus. In addition to Harper, the Rosemight’s, and the Cleves, most of the patrons were the newly married couple’s rougher, less refined friends and acquaintances, as well as several regular patrons who just happened to wander in off the street. The ale was flowing freely and celebratory music filled the air. Tonight’s occasion: The Wedding of Tristan and Maegan, or more accurately, The Vow Renewal Ceremony of Tristan and Maegan.
Tristan and Maegan stand on the small raised platform that Tristan the musicians use as a stage when they perform at the Flagon. Tristan has changed into his finest performance garb and Maegan is wearing a simple green dress. Between them, on a crate, stands Hattia Sandheaver, the tavern’s halfling bartender and owner. Throughout Dusckall bartenders often officiate over the weddings of their most frequent patrons. The general consensus is that they have to listen to bar tales all day and night and often know more about the engaged couple than the priest and clerics do, so why shouldn’t they be allowed to marry them? Sure, the legitimacy of these tavern weddings come into question from time to time, especially should legal issues arise, but none of this is a concern for the Cleves as they have already had an official service.
Hattia raises her hands and lets out a shrill whistle. The band stops playing and the crowd quiets down.
“Good evening friends and patrons! As many of you know -- and those of you who don’t are in for a treat -- we are here to celebrate the marriage of Maegan Freedane to Tristan Cleves. Both of these fine youngsters have graced this fine establishment with their presence and performance and have become good friends of mine.” Hattia goes on to relay a few stories of the happy couple and say a few words about love and marriage until, finally, it is time for the renewal of the vows.
“Tristan, do you vow to love and cherish Maegan, caring and protecting her for the rest of her life? Making sure to take her to the merriest parties, serve her the finest wine, and carry her home safely once it’s gotten late and she’s long since passed out?”
Tristan’s face brightens even more than it already was as he laughs and agrees, ”I do so vow!” Everyone in the room raises their mugs and lets out a resounding “Ay!”
“Maegan,” Hattia continues, turning to the girl with the short, strawberry blonde hair. “Do you vow to love and cherish Tristan, caring for and supporting him the rest of his life? Applauding him when he performs -- despite the occasional wrong note -- and reprimanding him gently when you need to remind him that you are not his personal cook or housekeeper?”
Maegan looks thoughtfully before answering. “I think I’m okay with the personal cook thing.” Hattia gives her a questioning look. “Have you tasted his cooking?”
Laughter fills the room and Tristan’s face turns a shade of red.
“Of course I do so vow!” Maegan agrees, throwing her arms around Tristan’s neck and giving him a big kiss as everyone again raises their mugs and shouts, “Ay!”
“Then by the power invested in me by the Wooden Frost Giant Flagon and the Duskcall Barkeeps Guild, I give you Tristan and Maegan Cleves! Let the partyin’ commence! First round is on the Flagon!”
Celebrating at the Flagon
[Scene 8 - Surge Count: 10]
Main Thread: Tristan’s Wedding
Minor Threads: Leira and Thieves Guild; Bhart’s Career; Conspiracy against the King
“Somethin’s on your mind, Rosie,” Hattia remarks to Bhart, using the nickname she picked up from Harper and knows he hates. She’d been watching the man for the past several minutes sip his ale and stare at his sister and Harper dancing out on the floor. Currently, the band is playing a slow ballad and the two of them sway from side to side, bodies touching and eyes locked. “Care to tell me?”
Bhart snaps out of his trace at Hattia’s question. “I don’t know, Hattia. Leira’s keeping something from me, I’m sure of it.”
“How so?”
“For instance, that cut on her face. I asked her about it. How couldn’t I? It’s right there. She told me about the bar brawl, but it was obvious she was hiding something. [Driven by the MND challenge back in the Setup] Have you noticed anything the past several nights?”
The halfling thinks for a moment. “No. Can’t say that I have, except for her suddenly rearranging her schedule a couple of nights this past week. But she had Vicky cover for her so I didn’t mind.”
“So she could fill in for Hames.” Bhart declares, remembering Leira’s new responsibilities.
“Hames? Why would she fill in for Hames? No, so she could have the nights off.”
Bhart throws Hattia a puzzled look, one the barkeep has seen many times before from others. Instantly, she understands Bhart’s cause for suspicion.
“And I’ll tell you something else,” she adds. “That cut on her face, that didn’t come from any bar brawl.”
Without a word, Bhart takes a long draught of ale from his mug and turns back to regard his sister. What in Arigord is she up to?
(Read the next chapter here.)